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时间:2022年04月09日 11:02 浏览次数:[]

  谢诚 副教授 软件工程系主任


博士毕业于上海交通大学软件工程专业。2018年入选中国科学技术协会“青年托举工程”人才;入选“云南省高层次人才引进计划青年项目”和“东陆青年学者项目”。以第一作者(通讯)发表SCI学术论文20余篇。其中,中科院I区论文10篇,学术引用1200余次。主持知识图谱相关国家自然科学基金2项,省部级重点研发计划子课题2项,获上海市科技进步奖二等奖,云南省自然科学二等奖。指导学生获“互联网+”大赛国家级金奖和铜奖。在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE Transactions on  Instrumentation and Measurement、 IEEE Internet of Things、Neural Networks、Expert System and Applications等工业信息化、知识工程等方向的顶级期刊发表了一系列研究成果。其主持研发的“基于知识图谱的智能物联中间件”,应用于中国铜业和中宣液态金属有色金属生产线数字化改造项目;应用于云南省玉溪市中小型农业灌溉水库数字化感知及水利计划项目;应用于小中甸水库水文感知及发电调度预测项目;应用于云南省玉溪市小型乡村污水处理自动站数字化建设项目;应用于云南省普洱市智慧大棚、香格里拉智慧养殖等数字化建设项目。其科研成果服务地方经济建设,取得显著的经济和社会效益。


  • 知识图谱、图表示学习、零次学习

  • 基于图表示学习的工业智能化、工业应用软件研发



[IF=11.6 中科院I区] Zuoying Zeng, Cheng Xie*, Wenbiao Tao, Yini Zhu and Hongming Cai, Knowledge Graph Based IoTs Entity Discovery Middleware for NonSmart SensorIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics10.1109/TII.2023.3292540, pp.1-13, 2023.

[IF=11.6 中科院I区] Cheng Xie; Hongming Cai*; Lida Xu ; Lihong Jiang ; Fenglin Bu, Linked Semantic Model for Information Resource Service towards Cloud Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol.13, No. 6, pp. 3338-3349,2017

[IF=11.6 中科院I区] Boyi Xu, Li Da Xu, Hongming Cai, Cheng Xie, Jingyuan Hu, and Fenglin Bu, Ubiquitous Data Accessing Method in IoT-Based Information System for Emergency Medical ServicesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1578-1586,2014

[IF=11.6 中科院I区] Hongming Cai, Li Da Xu, Boyi Xu, Cheng Xie, Shaojun Qin, and Lihong Jiang, IoT-Based Configurable Information Service Platform for Product Lifecycle ManagementIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol 10, No 2, pp 1558-1567,2014

[IF=10.2 中科院I区] Cheng Xie, Beibei Yu, Zuoying Zeng, Yun Yang*, Qing Liu, Multi-Layer Internet of Things Middleware based on Knowledge GraphIEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol.8, Issue. 4, pp:2635 - 2648, 2021

[IF= 7.8 中科院I区] Beibei Yu, Cheng Xie*, Peng Tang, Haoran Duan, Multi-view Graph Representation with Similarity Diffusion for General Zero-Shot LearningNeural Networks, Vol. 166, pp. 38-50, 2023

[IF=7.8 中科院I区] Duan Haoran, Cheng Xie*, Bin Li, Peng Tang, Self-supervised Contrastive Graph Representation with Node and Graph AugmentationNeural Networks, Volume 167, pp.223-232, 2023

[IF=7.8 中科院I区] Cheng Xie, Hongxin Xiang, Ting Zeng, Yun Yang*, Beibei Yu, Qing Liu, Cross Knowledge-based Generative Zero-Shot Learning Approach with Taxonomy RegularizationNeural Networks, Vol. 139, pp: 168 - 178, 2021

[IF=8.5 中科院I区] Duan Haoran, Cheng Xie*, Beibei Yu, Peng Tang, Contextual Features Online Prediction for Self-Supervised Graph RepresentationExpert Systems With Applications, Volume 238, part C, 2023

[IF=7.0 中科院I区] Cheng Xie; Hongming Cai*; Yun Yang ; Lihong Jiang ; Po Yang; User Profiling in Elderly Healthcare Services in China: Scalper DetectionIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticsVol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1796 -1806, 2018

[IF=5.6, 中科院II区]  Yuran Dong, Cheng Xie*, Luyao Xu, Hongming Cai, Weiming Shen, Haoran Tang, Synthesized Sample Graph Embedding for Few- and Zero-shot Compatible Surface Defect Classification, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, early access, 2023

[IF=7.7, 中科院II区] Yan Kang, Xinchao Wang, Cheng Xie*, Huadong Zhang, Wentao Xie,BBLN: A bilateral-branch learning network for unknown Protein-Protein Interaction prediction, Computers in Biology and Medicine, early access, 2023

[IF=4.3, 中科院II区] Cheng Xie; Guoqiang Li ; Hongming Cai* ; Lihong Jiang ; Neal N. Xiong, Dynamic Weight based Individual Similarity Calculation for Information Searching in Social ComputingIEEE Systems JournalVol.11, No.1, pp. 333-344,2017

[IF=4.6, CCF-B] Cheng Xie, Ting Zeng, Hongxin Xiang, Keqin Li, Yun Yang, Qing Liu, Class knowledge overlay to visual feature learning for zero-shot image classification, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, Volume 207, 103206, 2021

[IF=3.9] Jingqi Yang, Cheng Xie*,  Beibei Yu and PengTang, Generative-based Contrastive Model with Semantic Alignment for Generalized Zero-shot Learning, Image and Vision Computing, 2023, early access

[IF=3.8] Yu B, Xie C*,  Tang P,  Li B. Semantic-visual shared knowledge graph for zero-shot learning. Computer Science. 2023 Mar 22;9:e1260. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1260.

[IF=2.71] Peng Tang, Cheng Xie*,  Beibei Yu,  Node and edge dual-masked self-supervised graph representation, Knowledge and Information Systems, early access, 2023

[IF=2.21] Mingxiong Zhao, Han Wang, Jin Guo, Di Liu, Cheng Xie*, Qing Liu and Zhibo Cheng, Construction of an Industrial Knowledge Graph for Unstructured Chinese Text Learning, Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 13, pp. 2720, 2019

[IF=2.41] Xie C*,Tao W, Zeng Z, Dong Y. Binary-Convolution Data-Reduction Network for EdgeCloud IIoT Anomaly Detection. Electronics. Vol. 12, no. 15, pp. 3229, 2023

[IF=2.41] Liu Zhang , Chao Shu, Jin Guo, Hanyi Zhang, Cheng Xie*and Qing Liu,Generative Adversarial Network-Based Neural Audio Caption Model for Oral Evaluation, Electronics, Vol. 9, pp. 424, 2020

[IF=2.7] Shu, C.; He, J.; Xue, G.;Xie, C*. Grain Knowledge Graph Representation Learning: A New Paradigm for Microstructure-Property Prediction, Crystals, Vol. 12, No. 280, 2022. (材料基因工程项目)

[IF=2.7] Cheng Xie*, Ziwen Pan and Chao Shu, Microstructure Representation Knowledge Graph to Explore the Twinning Formation. Crystals , Vol.12, no. 466, 2022. (材料基因工程项目)

[发明专利] 谢诚,曾左英,等,基于知识图谱的工业非智能传感器自适应接入中间件及其方法,2021

[发明专利] 谢诚,李小瑞,等,基于图文语义的网络社交表情包合成方法、电子设备和计算机可读存储介质,2021



➢2022-2025 国家自然科学基金地区项目,数据与知识双向驱动的非智能物联设备发现方法研究,62162064,主持,36万

➢2021- 2023云南省科技重大专项,铜材料专用数据库建设(技术负责人),子课题负责人,202102AB080019-2,80万

➢2020- 2022 云南省科技重大专项,液态金属专用数据库建设(副组长),子课题负责人,202002AB080001-5,55万

➢2020- 2022 云南省科技厅面上项目,基于知识图谱的数据融合研究,主持,202001BB050035,10万

➢2018–2020 中国科协“青年人才托举工程”,主持,W8193209,45万

➢2020- 2024 云南省“千人计划”青年人才项,主持,85万

➢2018–2021 william威廉亚洲官方“东陆中青年骨干教师”人才培养项目,主持,8万

➢2018–2020 云南省教育厅科学研究基金教师类项目,基于开放关联数据的物联设备语义建模方法研究,主持,4万

➢2017–2019 william威廉亚洲官方校级理工科项目,基于Linked Open Data的物联语义互操作模型研究,主持,5万














➢2022“软件杯”大学生程序设计大赛 国家级二等奖

➢2022 中国大学生软件服务外包大赛 国家级二等奖








组织委员会主席, 2023年中国多媒体大会


Co-Chair,The 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE internet of Things、Neural Networks、Information Sciences, Expert System with Applications等知名期刊审稿人。
